SMX safeplc downloads


Version 2016-02-09
für erste Generation
SMX10 – SMX11 – SMX12 und aller Derivate sowie auch alle SMX 1x Baugruppen bis ca. 2014

pdf_icon Programmierhandbuch SafePLC

pdf_iconInstalltionshandbuch SMX Generation1

SafePLC in the “well-known” programming frame for programming and parametrizing all compact safety controller and hardware state.
Matching to…
SMX 10
SMX 11
SMX 12
and all expanding moduls for SMX 1x.


Safe PMT

The Safe Parameter Tool enables every technician or commisioning enginer to parametrize the setup or to transfer a program to an SMX 1x.
For this procedure is no Hardlock (Dongle) required, because only a precompiled program will transfered binary. Within this program the released parameters can be adjusted.